Monday, November 09, 2009

Social Mobility and Multivalue System

A modern society is a heterogeneous one. Members of a society come from different culture, background and they do things in different ways, they have different point of views, they have different value systems. This society should have a multi-value system. The social groups embrace each other, support each other to build up a healthy society.

When someone can align the social value and have much more ability about it, their social status will be improved. For example, earning money is one of social values. If they earn alot, their social status is higher. Another example, management capability is one of of social values. If they can manage great affairs, they will be respected. One more concrete example, the master sinologist, Yao Zongyi, can be very good at research and art literacy and nobody can compete with him. His social status is unparalleled even though he cannot earn much. Therefore, social value drives social stratification and then develop a systematic framework for social mobility.

If multi-value system is widely recognized in a society, the education system and industries will develop accordingly. Then, multiple frameworks for social mobility can be built up. Thus, a healthy circulation of cash flow can be started among the social groups, and then the gap between rich and poor would not be worsened. Unfortunately, even though the foreign exchange reserve and GDP of Hong Kong is very high throughout the world, the gap is widening in past few years. M-society is built up. Middle class is diminished. Thus, it can deduce that cash flow is not healthy, social mobility is low, uni-value system prevails.

The social status of professional drops, the one of education drops under government funding system, the one of sportsmen drops, the one of cultural and historical researchers drops. In enterprise aspect, manufacturing diminished, technology diminished, retail diminished, tourism diminished, only financial service and real estate can have a lion's share. It pushes other to get rid of land, to develop offshore. Unless the government can pour resources in professionals, sports, culture and historical research, it is hard to change the trend.

(Chinese version)

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