Monday, September 20, 2010

Mein Eindrunk about BarCamp HK 2010

Es ist mein erstes Mal, BarCamp Hong Kong 2010 teilzunehmen. Eigentlich habe ich keine Ahnung, bevor ich wurde von einem Freund ein paar Tage vor dem 18. September 2010 eingeladen. Nachdem ich lese die Regeln, ich fand daas es ganz interessant, dass jeder die Chance, eigene Ideen, Geschichten und Erfahrungen zu teilen haben. Alle Teilnehmer, die zum ersten Mal zu verbinden, sind herzlich eingeladen, zu präsentieren. Ja, Präsentation. Ich habe wirklich keine Ahnung von Besuchern Hintergrund. Werden sie es nicht interessiert überhaupt?

Der Zeitraum von 3-Wort-Einführung selbst ist recht interessant. Es ist eine Herausforderung, um sie an Sie zu erinnern.

Nach dem Grundton des Veranstalters ist es ein Thema Anregung Zeitraum. Alle von uns notiere das Thema und die Kategorie auf ein Papier und steckte sie dann an die Wand außen. Der Veranstalter würde dazu beitragen, wieder je nach Kategorie zu 8 verschiedene parallele Sessions Form zu vereinbaren. Der Rest der Konferenz ist es, den Teilnehmern überlassen.

Es ist gut, ein paar Freunde zu machen, um neue Arbeitsplätze zu finden und für die Kandidaten suchen. Außerdem denke ich, es ist gut, Vorbild für andere Community-basierte Ereignis wie Wikipedianer sammeln. Es ist wirklich fördert die Beteiligung, Initiativen und freien Austausch. Es können alle genießen es.

BarCamp läuft noch in meinem Kopf viele Tage lang.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Freedom and Responsibility

If we want to protect our freedom of speech, please do not abuse it. We must be responsible to our speech such that it avoids a more strict regulation to be enforced. It is like investment institutions in United States. If they can hold their responsible to the investment, unnecessary risk can be avoided. The impact of financial tsunami can be avoided. The regulation of finance sector would not be strengthened. The freedom of investment institutions can be maintained. Recently, cyber-bullying happens all the time among Hong Kong teenagers. They think that it is part of their freedom of speech but they forget that it also violates the privacy of victum. They start to get used to attack other persons in foul language wherever they are. On the other hand, the media agencies keep to write news articles in senational approache even though they know it is not appropriate.

In fact, freedom and responsibility is in the same package. Why? Every person is born with equal rights including freedom of speech which is limited by law in a society, If the exercise of freedom causes conflicts, such conflicts must be resolved according to mutually agreed principles of justice. These principles of justice are normally presented in the form of laws and regulations. For example, if it is an emergency for a nation, much of the freedom of nationals is restricted. If the exercise of certain freedom violates the human rights, say living with respect, such exercise would be prohibited. Therefore, these regulations remind us our responsibilities.

My friend commented that this is idealism. Americans don't see it that way. For them, freedom is the biggest and nothing to do with responsibility. Responsibility is another issue.

I think that though most of americans don't see it in this way, it does not mean that their view is right. Freedom of speech should be protected until the exercise of it violates other principles of human rights. Recent there are many cases about cyber-bullying in Hong Kong. It is abuse of freedom of speech in certain sense.

He said, "yeah, it is not right. But in this world, the powered commands. Sadly, everything is not purely considered. Everythings is mixed with benefit and advantages......... Human rights is always a bargaining power for US to negotiate with other countries for commercial rights. "

Most of us try to interpret a nation to be a person. The behaviour of a nation is analogued to personal behaviour. In fact, it is not strictly appropriate. The outcomes or decision is obtained through a political process which is a competition among pressure groups and interest group especially in a nation where democractic system is deployed. For the US pigeons, human rights are good for 'preaching'. For the US eagles, human rights are for bargaining power. When it is republicans' administration, the eagles win, otherwise, the pigeons win. I hope the democrats can fix the problems created by the republicans.

(Chinese Version of "Freedom and Responsibility")

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Scoring is administration

Do you hate scoring and marking? Do know what should be done before it? Yes, creating a marking scheme is the crucial task. A good marking scheme can help us to give marks for any possible student answers without violation of fairness. It helps us to categorize answers according to its semantics and syntax. It sounds like law and regulation which helps us to handle any possible cases by taxonomy and procedures. It also follows the principle of justice and fairness. Law to lawyer, rule-based program to processor. Before marking, we need to plan the marking scheme, to organize materials, to use some methodologies or tools, to control the quality of scoring and to have a time-budgeting.

For administration, we also need planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling and budgeting. Plan what we should do, how we should do, who should do and when we should do. Assign responsibility to posts and organization. Put these rules on the policy. Then, find right candidates to fill the posts. Direct or motivate them to do. Monitor performance and control the quality of work. Finally, budgeting is a periodic task for future resource allocation. Both administration and scoring share a similar model.

In fact, as the environment is changing fast, administrators need to adapt it fast. Administration is not an easy job.

Monday, August 02, 2010

Data type

In programming language, we have something called data type. We have it because any program would process data only. If the data type is well declared and defined in a programming language, it is a strong typed language; otherwise it is a weak typed language. If the data is well defined, its operation is clear enough; otherwise there are many unknown outcomes for different unexpected scenarios.

It looks like mathematics. We have sets, number sets. We can define our own sets and we also have some pre-defined sets such as Integers, Real Numbers and Complex Numbers. The name of these pre-defined sets is reserved in certain sense. The concept of reserved words is similar to this one. Besides sets, we have operators like '+','-','x' to manipulate the numbers, members of the given sets.

In programming, data type is not limited to numbers. It includes characters and even strings. Here, characters does not mean any tool or persons in the movies. We are talking about members of alphabet, the letters, the puntuation marks and other symbols.

Typically, we write some functions to manipulate these data for us. It normally takes serveral input and generates a datum as output. It works like a function in mathematics. It maps the parameters in given sets to a value in another set. It tells us a clear relation.

How about the function of your mind? How can we understand and handle the data from the external world? Firstly, we tends to categorize them. Category is one of the key concept in our mind. Secondly, category helps us to compare and associate the current instance of event with the past events. It helps to manage the expectation. Thirdly, we can take the procedure from our experience or external authority to deal with the current situation. Hence, category on low level is data type in our mind.

Our mind is much more advanced. We have self-awareness and self-reflection. We can handle meta-level thinking. We can apply category on other categories. We can understand the logic of our thinking.

In fact, compilers of some computer programming language can be implemented by itself. It means it has reflection mechanism to describe itself. It is similar to metadata for database and meta-language for language.

Language somehow governs our thinking and communication. If everyone has kept its very own version of interpretation on public affairs, it would create chaos. It is the reason why we need objectivity and objective language in law. It helps us to categorize different real life scenarios and measure them with objective scales such that we can handle them in a systemetic way under the principle of fairness and justice.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Source of Trust

In the past few weeks, the political reform package of Hong Kong was eventually passed in legislative council and submitted by the chief executive Donald Tsang. However, we may find that mutual trust lacks among the public, the government and the central government of People's Republic of China. Donald Tsang always urged the public to trust the government. Can trust be built up by public announcement?

According to the chapter of Gongye Chang in Analects of Confucious (Lunyu), we have to listen what he says and observe what he does. Just listening is not enough, we have to check whether it is consistent with what he does. We should settle for short term observation. Long term observation is more reliable.

Firstly, from this point of view, one should be observable before trust is earned; otherwise it is hard to judge it. Regarding government, the process of making policy should be open and fair. Recently, the Hong Kong Journal Association is pushing the Hong Kong government to enact freedom of information legislation to ensure access to government information and documents. According to the principle of governance, it enforces government to release the information pro-actively such that the public can monitor the whole process of making and implementation of policy. Therefore, the former director of Government Records Service, Simon Chu, requested to put the Law of Public Records on the agenda of the Legislative Council in order to ensure the public records created, archived, released and removed properly.

Secondly, it is mutual understanding between government and the public. It requires effective communication. Understanding of nature of communication is crucial. The message will be selected and compiled by the sender, transformed via different type of channels and finally interpreted by different kinds of receivers. Hence, the results would vary so much. The government should not just focus on itself and should use the appropriate methods according to the receiver. Communication is not only a delivery of its own message but also receiving of message from other partners. Selective listening must be avoided. Positive and constructive comments should be included. 

What is positive and constructive comments? When citizens are sitting on the road without saying a word, is it? When protesters are climbing on the tree without saying a word, is it? Objection! Is it? If we speak out what we want and what we need to do, it is a positive and constructive comment.

Appropriate channel is critical for effective communication. Discrimination should be avoided. At least one open and fair platform should exist in a civic society. Every party can have equal right. Their opinions should not be wrongly interpreted. The creditability of Radio Television of Hong Kong is well known. However, it is retained as a government department after public evaluation. HKJA urged government to reverse its decision.

Thirdly, keep the promise. Only hope can be built when the promises are kept all the time. Promises must be kept whatever it is. Typically, those promise should be in black and white. The most challenge issue is the change of the people, the environment and the society. If the need for a specific promised policy vanished, the public can realize that such policy should be suspended; otherwise, apology and backup plan is needed.

Finally, I hope that the mutual trust can be built up. The making of public policy will allow peaceful participation of the public in the public space. The society will be improved continuously.

(Chinese Version)

Friday, May 07, 2010

German class is ended.

The German class is ended today. It would be a good start for me because I have built up the foundation.

Let's try to translate the following message.

Die Briten entscheiden über ihre nächste Regierung. In der spannendsten Unterhauswahl seit langem wittern die Konservativen und die Liberal-Demokraten ihre Chance. Labour-Premier Brown gilt als schwer angeschlagen.

Die Briten entscheiden über ihre nächste Regierung. In der spannendsten Unterhauswahl seit langem wittern die Konservativen und die Liberal-Demokraten ihre Chance. Labour-Premier Brown gilt als schwer angeschlagen.

Literal translation is:

The British decide about/above/of their next government. In the most exciting beneath/between/among-house-election for a long time detect/sense the Conservatives and the Liberal-Democractic their chance. Labour Premier Brown is deemded to be as hard striken.

Refine the literal translation:

The British decide about their next government. In the most exciting Lower House Election, the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats sense their chance for a long time. Labour Premier Brown is striked badly.

Google translation result is:

The British decide about their next government. In the most exciting general election has long been suspect, the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats their chance. Labour Premier Brown is struck as hard.

Monday, April 19, 2010


In English, there is a big musical instrument called piano. Piano was created since the Middle Age. It consists of strings and hammers.

We know that English is originated from German. In German, piano is called Klavier. Why does it called Klavier? In English, there is another word - clavier to describe musical instrument - keyboard. It is same as the Clavier from French. Klavier may come from Latin (claves), clavile in Modern Latin. It is Klavír in Solvenian and Czech, Glasovir in Crotian. Clavier may mean key-bearer, key is clavis in Old Latin.

The name piano comes from pianoforte, same as Italian and Russian (Фортепиа́но) name. It is fortepian in Poland.

The most strange is that piano is Zongora in  Hungarian. Why Zongora?

Thursday, April 01, 2010

German and English 2

There are lots of similarities between English and German.

When we say "How old are you?" in English, we would say "Wie alt sind Sie?" in German. They are literally equivalent.

When we say "What is your name?" in English, we would say "Wie ist Ihr Name?" in German, literally "How is your name?".

"How are you?" in English. Then "Wie geht es Ihnen?" in German, literally means "How goes it you?". I guess it is more like "How is going on you?".

Kindergarten was absolutely borrowed from German. Kinder is plural form of Kind which means child. Garten is garden. Therefore, kindergarten means garden of children.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

German and English

English language is originated from West Germanic language. It is the reason why we found some German vocabularies similar to those in English. Then, many foreign words were borrowed from French. In recent decades, many English terms are imported by German. We can see these European languages enrich each other.

The verb 'helfen' is Help in English. 'Help' comes from 'helpan' in Old English which comes from 'khelpanan' in Proto-Germanic and 'kelp' in Proto-Indo-European language.

The 'have' comes from 'habban' in Old English, 'habba' in Old Frisian, 'haben' in German, 'haban' in Gothic, 'khaf-' in Proto-Germanic and 'kap-' in Proto-Indo-European language.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

0-9 numer

0 is null (zero).
1 is eins (one).
2 is zwei (two/twice).
3 is drei (three/tri).
4 is vier (four).
5 is fünf (five).
6 is sechs (six).
7 is sieben (seven).
8 is acht (eight).
9 is nuen (nine).
10 is zehn (ten).
11 is elf (eleven).
12 is zwölf (twelve).
13 is dreizehn (thirteen).
14 is vierzehn (fourteen).
15 is fünfzehn (fifteen).
16 is sechzehn (sixteen).
17 is siebzehn (seventeen).
18 is achtzehn (eighteen).
19 is nuenzehn (nineteen).
20 is zwangzig (twenty).
30 is dreißig (thirty).
40 is vierzig (forty).
100 is hundert (hundred).

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

When something passed

When something passed, let it passed.
When someone passed, let it passed.

Stay with the one you love.
Do what you can do for love.

Be strong to strengthen your love
Encounter the challenge be tough

Treasure the moment at the bottom of heart
Old man, life is not so hard